
Incoming from Schengen Area

Top place to invest in real estate to obtain the citizenship in EU

Analysts have compared the famous tourist destinations in Europe and have discovered that it is more profitable to invest in residential properties in Italy. In other European countries, the shelter near the sea has suffered a lot from the crisis and its value continues to decline. An exception to this became only elite items.

Analysts of the magazine First Oversaes Property note that the small German island of Sylt, located in the North Sea, was formerly a popular place for summer vacations in Germany. However, to date, the cost of housing has increased so much that the indigenous inhabitants of the island have begun to move to the mainland. Thus, in a small town you can buy a holiday home for 17 million euros, in Westerland the cost of housing is slightly lower, you can buy a house only for 3 million euros near the seashore.

In the south-west of the Netherlands is the province of Zeeland, which is able to attract customers with its idyllic species. Local residents are more interested in the central part of the region, but foreign investors are more interested in land and residential objects on the outskirts of Zeeland. Experts predict that in the next year the cost of housing in this area will grow by 2 – 5%. The largest increase in the price of housing is expected in the following settlements: Reness, Domburg, Kadzand-Bad.

In Belgium, it is now also impossible to find large discounts. On the coast of Flanders, the period of excessive speculation has long been over. For example, in prestigious locations such as Newport, the cost of the villa is 2 000 000 euros, in less popular places it is possible to purchase an unpretentious building for an average of 125,000 euros.

Celebrities and millionaires have always preferred to relax on the Mediterranean coast of France. Due to the constant scarcity of supply and the prohibitive cost of housing, the Cote d’Azur is considered one of the most expensive places in France. For example, the cost of a luxury white stone villa, where you can wonderfully cool off under the hot summer sun, is around 20,000,000 euros.

The consequences of the housing crisis in Spain are palpable in the Balearic islands and on the mainland. Therefore, the cost of apartments and villas will continue to decline. The most advantageous will be given to the most patient investors. For example, in Mallorca, the minimum cost of housing on the coast is still 250,000 euros.

Most Britons are rushing to get rid of their second homes, which has led to increased activity in the real estate market in Portugal. This behavior of the British is due to the fact that they fear that due to the increase in costs of the British pound, all the profits that were received during the years of stay in Portugal could fail. In Portugal, the cost of simple houses and villas varies between 150,000 and 4,800,000 euros.

The real treasure for the investor is residential property in Italy. Now the Ministry for Local Economic Development M.I.S.E. has launched a law that benefits the investor who comes from outside the Schengen area giving to those who buy home in Italy citizenship valid in the EU. has dedicated a specialized service for this great opportunity!

If you are interested in this investment, consult our section on elective citizenship and contact us for a quote.